Intro Course

#38: Somatic Experiencing® & Alexander Technique with Tracy Einstein — Opening the Brain-Body Superhighway

Tracy Einstein is a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner and Alexander Technique teacher. We talk all about the body, how it holds and releases trauma, and how she works with clients.

Tracy's Enneagram type is SPSO (Self-preservation / Social) 9w1. 


Tracy's Website
The Enneagram School
Deb Dana's website (Teacher of Polyvagal Theory)

Book mentioned
Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma--An Integrative Somatic Approach by Kathy Kain & Stephen Terrell

Resources to Go Deeper
Body Learning -- a book about Alexander Technique
In an Unspoken Voice by Peter Levine -- a book about Somatic Experiencing


0:00 Intro

2:49 Our Body-blind culture

4:22 Tracy's journey to body work

7:44 The Preverbal universe

11:22 What is Alexander Technique?

15:00 Debauched Kinsethesia

18:03 Optimal Use

27:22 Endgaining -- how being too results oriented sabotages the work

30:37 The Enneagram Centers (Body, Heart, Mind)

32:22 Opening up superhighway between brain and body

34:48 What is somatic experiencing? (Letting body process without mental self-consciousness) 40:00 Tracy's practitioner lens -- what she notices

47:50 What is Polyvagal Theory?

51:31 You have to disengage social posturing to sense within

54:09 Many paths to regulation -- arguably the point of all modalities

56:46 Centering your own healing as practitioner is crucial; very clear lesson from AT because of body to body transference

58:57 Alexander Training

1:02:17 Having kid -- noticing what we learn before words -- the preverbal universe is the foundation of our lives

1:05:01 The terrible gift of trauma -- & the structure of society creates impossible parenting situations

1:09:07 You might not understand what's shifting somatically but don't need to -- body vs mental intelligence (or left vs right brain)

1:12:04 Final reflections

1:12:50 Plugs & Resources!


Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay




#enneagram #alexandertechnique #somatic #somaticexperiencing