Intro Course

#30: Gendlin's Focusing with Sandy Jahmi Burg -- How to Slow Down & Listen to Your Body

Sandy Jahmi Burg is a facilitator of Gendlin's Focusing -- the most powerful method of tapping into body intelligence that I've encountered. In this interview, we define it, demo it, and debrief. Enjoy.


Learn Focusing with Sandy
The Enneagram School's Website


0:00 Intro

3:46 What is Focusing?

6:30 The "felt-sense" implies "life-forward" movement

10:02 The importance of being "in relationship" with the felt sense

12:13 Making an invitation as you enter a Focusing session

13:35 Demo - Lead in & invitation, creating conditions for a felt sense to arrive

18:33 Demo - The first felt sense, "taking our understanding back" to our bodies

20:08 Demo - Making contact & letting it know you hear it, "Getting into relationship"

24:06 Demo - Acknowledging & getting "bigger than"

25:37 Demo - Responding to how it sees you

28:19 Demo - It's "message" for me

32:11 Wordless metabolizing; sitting in the "solution" state, not the problem

35:00 Setting an intention vs inhabiting a way of being

38:26 What the hell just happened? - The "steps" in a Focusing Journey

39:24 The grocery store analogy; Discovering, making contact, coming into relationship, experiencing shift

49:12 The leap of faith -- acknowledging what arises as sentient entities

51:00 Parts Work & the "Self" (capital S); on being merged with a part & getting "bigger than" it

54:58 The "result" of a focusing session: before, merged; after, in relationship

59:50 The facilitator's POV: tracking, giving prompts, helping Focuser get into relationship

1:08:29 On "checking back" with the body; when something feels understood and accepted for how it is now, that's what releases it to shift

1:11:56 when something feels understood and accepted for how it is now, that's what releases it to shift

1:20:15 How to work with Sandy

1:21:59 Plugs