Intro Course

#15: Emma Scott (SO/SP 6w7 612) β€” Resentful Accommodation, Making Things a Bigger Problem Than They Need To Be, and Getting Present in the Mental Center

Emma is an Enneagram coach and mom, and she has her own podcast called There Are No Tangents. In this conversation, you get to see Emma model presence in the mental center as she incorporates a new insight about herself with rather amazing openness. Her self-owns about accommodating people resentfully and "throwing a stink" are charming and helpful distinctions regarding 6s duality of being both an Attachment and a Reactive Type. A pleasure of an interview. Enjoy.


Emma's Coaching Website
Emma's podcast
Emma's instagram: @theenneagramconnection

The Enneagram School Homepage
Class on the Centers


0:00 Intro

0:34 The Enneagram School is live! First class Jan 19

1:57 Intro to Emma

4:47 Interview start; her hours leading up to the interview, SO 6 strategy of stating "I'm nervous" to give yourself slack / wiggle room from self-imposed standards

8:19 enneagram origin story

12:25 Niklas's 2 Interview revealing her 2 fix

15:17 1 fix vs 9 fix; talking with my hands; 6 verbal style, 1 precision motions

20:15 People Pleasing -- an amazing journey on this word; going along with other but making a stink about it

29:03 "Maybe we've realized I'm not a people pleaser after all"; therapist authority said so -- how I came to believe it in the first place

31:43 "Resentful accommodation" - 6 self-image of adapting to others, not realizing how much space I'm taking up with my stink-throwing

36:25 6 not "swallowing truth whole" from authorities -- finding evidence, making it fit, etc

41:11 Planning, preparing; "Making everything is a bigger problem than it needs to be."

46:45 6ness as "Problem solving" -- what it means for something to be a problem

51:53 Amplification of the problem depends on my "state"

55:02 Anxiety as a "baseline heigtening of the nervous system"; alertness

1:00:46 Settling mental activity to be present with my kids

1:03:40 being present with your kids from each of the centers

1:09:05 what's this been like for you?



Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay




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