Logo of What It's Like To Be You, the Enneagram School podcast

Browse Our Enneagram Interviews

 On our Podcast / YouTube show What It's Like To Be You, we interview accurately typed guests about their inner experience and inner work practitioners about their modality. Click below to browse our interviews by category.

Interviews by Enneagram Type
Interviews by Instinctual Stacking
Interviews with Practitioners

Interviews by Enneagram Type

Understand the types' inner experience with these in depth interviews.

Type 8 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Body Center

Type Eight

The Aliveness Seeker

  • Siena (SX/SO 8w7 827): Immediacy in Movement Art, the Mystery of Fighting, & the Innocent Heart of the 8 — [Video | Podcast]
  • Emeka (SX/SP 8w7 854): On Typing Others, Not Knowing I'm Being Provocative, Advice for Relationships with 8s — [Video | Podcast]
  • Emily (SO/SP 8w9 836): Social Power Dynamics, Untouchable Independence, & Sensitivity — [Video | Podcast]



Type 9 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Body Center

Type Nine

The Harmony Seeker

  • Charles (SO/SP 9w8 963): Resensitizing After 20 Numb Years, the Goldilocks Zone, and Being “Cool” Not Meticulous — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kaisa (SX/SO 9w8 935): "I'm Either Hooked or Catatonic," Erotic Releases of Anger, and Seeking Essential Harmony through the SX Instinct — [Video | Podcast]
  • Mariona (SX/SO 9w1 973): Flirting with Life, Crying as SX/SO "Loss of Self," Settling Compulsive Introspection — [Video | Podcast]
  • Nicholas (SP/SO 9w1 936): Inner Envelope Functions, Dispersing Attention, & Learning to Focus — [Video | Podcast]
  • Alexandra (SO/SP 9w1 963): Triple-Attachment Life, Choosing What's "Mine," & Discovering Friendship Intimacy — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kristen (SO/SP 9w1 963): Dreamwork, Depersonalization, and Coming Back to Life via the Unconscious — [Video | Podcast]
  • Sarah (SO/SP 9w1 937) Round 2 MetaConvo: Attachment Games, Rupture & Repair Cycles, and Realtime Conversation Dynamics — [Video | Podcast]
  • Sarah (SO/SP 9w1 937): Positive Outlook Spin, Blurring Fantasy & Reality (and Gaslighting), and Finding Your "No" — [Video | Podcast] 
  • Czan (SO/SP 9w1 953): Twice an Immigrant, Toggling "Existing" On/Off, & Owl Medicine — [Video | Podcast]
  •  Jamie (SP/SO 9w1 963): Being a Comforting Presence, Making Space For Yourself in Conversations, and Rebelling Against Pressure — [Video | Podcast]
  • David (SP/SX 9w1 974): Gathering Himself, Online Combativeness, and the Diffusion of Identity — [Video | Podcast]



Type 1 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Body Center

Type One

The Alignment Seeker

  • Alex (SP/SX 1w9 145): Type 1 as a Body Type, the Inner Tuning Fork, the Difficulty of Having Fun — [Video | Podcast]
  • No interviews yet!



Type 2 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Heart Center

Type Two

The Love Seeker

  • Bob (SO/SP 2w1 279): Personal Touch, Saintly Inspiration, & Having a Special Place in Others' Life — [Video | Podcast]

  • Niklas (SO/SP 2w3 269) The Inner Hope Machine, Power Tripping as "Super Jesus," and Seeing Through Ego Pride — [Video | Podcast]



Type 3 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Heart Center

Type Three

The Value Seeker

  • Kier (SO/SP 3w2 358): Hiddenness and Secrecy, Avoiding Introspection Through Constant Activity, and Not Giving Up on the Heart — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kelsey (SP/SO 3w2 378): Chasing "The Dream" vs "My Dream," Authenticity at Work, and Learning How to Rest — [Video | Podcast]
  • Nancy (SP/SO 3w4 369): Being Good at Things, Identity Experiments, and Choosing to Live — [Video | Podcast]
  • Gray (SO/SP 3w4 368): Socially Tracking Others, Truly "Seeing" Others, and the Heart's Silent Communication Underneath Words — [Video | Podcast]



Type 4 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Heart Center

Type Four

The Depth Seeker

  • Joseph (SO/SX 4w3 461): Frustration in the Heart Center, the Resting Attitude of Disdain, and Seeking Refined Social Intimacy — [Video | Podcast]
  • John (SX/SP 4w5): The Inner Middle Finger, the Crushing Gloss of Artifice, and the Sourcing of Identity in Depth Itself — [Video | Podcast]



Type 5 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Mind Center

Type Five

The Insight Seeker

  • Yamira (SO/SX 5w4 531) High Stakes Art, Grief & Creativity, & Crossing the Bridge to an "Other" — [Video | Podcast]
  • Russ (SO/SX 5w6) Isolation, Hyperfocus, & Escaping to Emptiness — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kelly (SO/SX 5w6 512) Unnecessary Emotions, Rejection-Attachment Relationship Dynamics, Doing My Own Thing — [Video | Podcast]
  • Jess (SO/SP 5w6 538): Risking Exposure, the Symbolic Objects I Put Between Us, and the Terror of Mindless, Soul-Dead Zombie-People — [Video | Podcast]



Type 6 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Mind Center

Type Six

The Truth Seeker

  • Courtney (SO/SP 6w5 631) BONUS EP: Engagement in the Mental Center, Finding Truth in the Body, & Cultivating Inner Authority — [No Video Available | Podcast]
  • Courtney (SO/SP 6w5 631) Outsourcing Agency, the Call to Self-Responsibility, Playfulness — [Video | Podcast]
  • Emma (SO/SP 6w7 612): "Resentful Accommodation," Making Things a Bigger Problem Than They Need To Be, and Getting Present in the Mental Center — [Video | Podcast]
  • Mary (SP/SO 6w7 692): Core Sense of Responsibility, the Practice of Making Deliberate Mistakes, and How to Know When to Stop Brushing the Dog — [Video | Podcast]



Type 7 Indicated on the Enneagram symbol, in the Mind Center

Type Seven

The Freedom Seeker

  • Kim (SP/SO 7w6 712) Surviving Trauma, EMDR Therapy, Avoiding Entrapment, and Settling the Mental Froth — [Video | Podcast]
  • Chanti (SX/SP 7w6 794): Magically Enhancing My Environment, Having Fun, and Getting (Away With) What I Want — [Video | Podcast]
  • Sam (SP/SO 7w6 712): The (Avoidant) "Fun" of Talk Therapy; Vulnerability as an Attraction Strategy; and Going Back to Feelings School — [Video | Podcast]
  • Ikram (SO/SX 7w6 793): Procrastinating Darkness, Frustration with Negativity AS Negativity, and Giving an "Honest Try" at Positivity — [Video | Podcast]
  • No interviews yet! 

Interviews by Instinctual Stacking

Below are the same interviews as above grouped by Instinctual Stacking, so you can see the role it plays in type. 

Graphic depicting SP/SO instinctual stacking using representative icons for each instinct in order: tree for Self-preservation, two people gazing for Social, peacock for sexual


Self-Preservation / Social

  •  Jamie (SP/SO 9w1 963): Being a Comforting Presence, Making Space For Yourself in Conversations, and Rebelling Against Pressure — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kelsey (SP/SO 3w2 378): Chasing "The Dream" vs "My Dream," Authenticity at Work, and Learning How to Rest — [Video | Podcast]
  • Nancy (SP/SO 3w4 369): Being Good at Things, Identity Experiments, and Choosing to Live — [Video | Podcast]
  • Mary (SP/SO 6w7 692): Core Sense of Responsibility, the Practice of Making Deliberate Mistakes, and How to Know When to Stop Brushing the Dog — [Video | Podcast]
  • Sam (SP/SO 7w6 712): The (Avoidant) "Fun" of Talk Therapy; Vulnerability as an Attraction Strategy; and Going Back to Feelings School — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kim (SP/SO 7w6 712) Surviving Trauma, EMDR Therapy, Avoiding Entrapment, and Settling the Mental Froth — [Video | Podcast]
  • Nicholas (SP/SO 9w1 936): Inner Envelope Functions, Dispersing Attention, & Learning to Focus — [Video | Podcast] 



Graphic depicting SO/SP instinctual stacking using representative icons for each instinct in order: two people gazing for Social, tree for Self-preservation, peacock for sexual


Social / Self-Preservation

  • Emily (SO/SP 8w9 836): Social Power Dynamics, Untouchable Independence, & Sensitivity — [Video | Podcast]
  • Charles (SO/SP 9w8 963): Resensitizing After 20 Numb Years, the Goldilocks Zone, and Being “Cool” Not Meticulous — [Video | Podcast]
  • Czan (SO/SP 9w1 953): Twice an Immigrant, Toggling "Existing" On/Off, & Owl Medicine — [Video | Podcast]
  • Sarah (SO/SP 9w1 937): Positive Outlook Spin, Blurring Fantasy & Reality (and Gaslighting), and Finding Your "No" — [Video | Podcast]
  • Sarah (SO/SP 9w1 937) Round 2 MetaConvo: Attachment Games, Rupture & Repair Cycles, and Realtime Conversation Dynamics — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kristen (SO/SP 9w1 963): Dreamwork, Depersonalization, and Coming Back to Life via the Unconscious — [Video | Podcast]
  • Alexandra (SO/SP 9w1 963): Triple-Attachment Life, Choosing What's "Mine," & Discovering Friendship Intimacy — [Video | Podcast]
  • Bob (SO/SP 2w1 279): Personal Touch, Saintly Inspiration, & Having a Special Place in Others' Life — [Video | Podcast]
  • Niklas (SO/SP 2w3 269) The Inner Hope Machine, Power Tripping as "Super Jesus," and Seeing Through Ego Pride — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kier (SO/SP 3w2 358): Hiddenness and Secrecy, Avoiding Introspection Through Constant Activity, and Not Giving Up on the Heart — [Video | Podcast]
  • Gray (SO/SP 3w4 368): Socially Tracking Others, Truly "Seeing" Others, and the Heart's Silent Communication Underneath Words — [Video | Podcast]
  • Jess (SO/SP 5w6 538): Risking Exposure, the Symbolic Objects I Put Between Us, and the Terror of Mindless, Soul-Dead Zombie-People — [Video | Podcast]
  • Courtney (SO/SP 6w5 631): Outsourcing Agency, the Call to Self-Responsibility, Playfulness — [Video | Podcast]
  • Courtney (SO/SP 6w5 631) BONUS EP: Engagement in the Mental Center, Finding Truth in the Body, & Cultivating Inner Authority — [No Video Available | Podcast]
  • Emma (SO/SP 6w7 612): "Resentful Accommodation," Making Things a Bigger Problem Than They Need To Be, and Getting Present in the Mental Center  — [Video | Podcast]



Graphic depicting SP/SX instinctual stacking using icons for each instinct in order: ttree for Self-preservation, peacock for sexual, two people gazing for Social


Self-Preservation / Sexual

  • David (SP/SX 9w1 974): Gathering Himself, Online Combativeness, and the Diffusion of Identity — [Video | Podcast]
  • Alex (SP/SX 1w9 145): Type 1 as a Body Type, the Inner Tuning Fork, the Difficulty of Having Fun — [Video | Podcast]



Graphic depicting SX/SP instinctual stacking using icons for each instinct in order: peacock for sexual, tree for Self-preservation, two people gazing for Social


Sexual / Self-Preservation

  • Emeka (SX/SP 8w7 854): On Typing Others, Not Knowing I'm Being Provocative, Advice for Relationships with 8s — [Video | Podcast]
  • John (SX/SP 4w5): The Inner Middle Finger, the Crushing Gloss of Artifice, and the Sourcing of Identity in Depth Itself — [Video | Podcast]
  • Chanti (SX/SP 7w6 794): Magically Enhancing My Environment, Having Fun, and Getting (Away With) What I Want — [Video | Podcast]



Graphic depicting SO/SX instinctual stacking using icons for each instinct in order: peacock for sexual, two people gazing for Social, tree for Self-preservation


Social / Sexual 

  • Joseph (SO/SX 4w3 461) Frustration in the Heart Center, the Resting Attitude of Disdain, and Seeking Refined Social Intimacy — [Video | Podcast]
  • Yamira (SO/SX 5w4 531) High Stakes Art, Grief & Creativity, & Crossing the Bridge to an "Other" — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kelly (SO/SX 5w6 512) Unnecessary Emotions, Rejection-Attachment Relationship Dynamics, Doing My Own Thing — [Video | Podcast]
  • Russ (SO/SX 5w6) Isolation, Hyperfocus, & Escaping to Emptiness — [Video | Podcast]
  • Ikram (SO/SX 7w6 793): Procrastinating Darkness, Frustration with Negativity AS Negativity, and Giving an "Honest Try" at Positivity — [Video | Podcast]



Graphic depicting SX/SO instinctual stacking using icons for each instinct in order: two people gazing for Social, peacock for sexual, tree for Self-preservation


Sexual / Social

  • Siena (SX/SO 8w7 827): Immediacy in Movement Art, the Mystery of Fighting, & the Innocent Heart of the 8 — [Video | Podcast]
  • Kaisa (SX/SO 9w8 935): "I'm Either Hooked or Catatonic," Erotic Releases of Anger, and Seeking Essential Harmony through the SX Instinct — [Video | Podcast] 
  • Mariona (SX/SO 9w1 973): Flirting with Life, Crying as SX/SO "Loss of Self," Settling Compulsive Introspection — [Video | Podcast]

Interviews with Practitioners

Outline of person meditating

Looking for a new practice? Explore modalities with these interviews.Â